zh Kooboo Logo Documents

Installation & Registration


You can use Kooboo either online or by downloading and setting it up on your local desktop or server.


Kooboo  Online


Visit  kooboo .com and navigate to the login screen.

If you already have an account, log in using your credentials. Otherwise, register a new account by clicking on the "Register" option




Local version


You may download Kooboo to your desktop or host yourself. For Windows user, you may search "Kooboo"  on Microsoft store and install there. 

See: https://www.kooboo.com/downloads


To use Kooboo on your local machine, you will need to download and run the software. The download package will be made available soon and can also be found on the Microsoft Store.


Kooboo can be run on Windows, Linux, or MacOS operating systems.




1. Download the kooboo.zip file.

2. Unzip the contents to a folder of your choice.

3. Double-click on the "kooboo.exe" file to start the application.


Please note that the Windows version requires the .NET Core 6.0 or a higher runtime. Most Windows machines already have this runtime installed. If you don't have it installed, you can download it from the following link:





This command will start Kooboo, and if port 80 is available, it will listen on that port. If port 80 is already in use, Kooboo will automatically choose the next available port.


Once Kooboo is running, you can access your Kooboo instance in a browser using the following URL:





To start Kooboo on Linux and MacOS, follow these steps:


Ensure that you have the .NET Core runtime installed on your system. If you haven't installed it yet, you can download it from the following link: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download


Open a terminal or command prompt


Navigate to the directory where you have the Kooboo package installed.


Run the following command to start Kooboo:


> dotnet Kooboo.Web.dll 


>nohup dotnet Kooboo.Web.dll &

Or Run it as a service.  





When accessing the local version of Kooboo, you have the option to use the same username and password as your Kooboo online account. However, if you prefer, you can configure a different login username and password specifically for your local instance. Additionally, you can enhance the security of your instance by setting restrictions on allowed user names or organizations.


For configuration purposes, the normal file names for the configuration files are as follows:



- Kooboo.Web.dll.config

- Kooboo.App.dll.config


- Kooboo.Web.config

- Kooboo.App.config


You can modify these configuration files to customize the login credentials, access restrictions, and other settings according to your specific requirements.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
		<add key="CmsLang" value="en" />
		<add key="AllowUsers" value="*" />
		<add key="AllowOrgs" value="*" />
		<!-- <add key="port" value="8080"/>
		<add key="proxy" value="true"/>  -->
		<add key="DefaultUser" value="username, password" /> 



When running Kooboo under Docker, such as in a Microsoft Azure APP Service environment, there are a few additional configuration considerations. Here's what you need to do:


- Set the proxy configuration to true: 

- Configure Kooboo to listen on a different port

- Handle SSL certificates on the host machine

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
		 <add key="port" value="8080"/>
		<add key="proxy" value="true"/>
After that, login and start creating sites or applications inside kooboo.